Single and Twin Cut-Off Without Inside Scarf
The ScarfMaster, featuring PVD-coated carbide tips, is specifically engineered for flying cut-off tasks that involve significant inside scarf removal. Its unique tooth design, paired with exceptionally shock-resistant carbide tips, ensures optimal performance. The saw body's robust shoulders bolster the teeth, providing unparalleled stability and resistance to breakage.

Single and twin flying cut-off machines designed for TCT cutting with small or no ID-scarf

High line speed.
Increased uptime.
High blade life.
Cuts heavy ID scarf.
Cuts high tensile API Pipes (up to 1.800 N/mm2).
Various tooth geometries available.
Flying cut-off applications dealing with heavy ID Scarf.
Cutting speed: 400 – 500 m/min (choose max available).
Tooth load 1/2/3: relation 1/1/1. Starting value 0.04 mm/tooth.
ScarfMaster saw blades are available for flying cut-off machines, such as MTM, OTO mills, Nakata and Olimpia.